Seçilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. T.S. Kavetskyy, V.N. Soloviev, R.I. Khalilov, V.A. Serezhenkov, L.I. Pan’kiv, I.S. Pan’kiv, A.N. Nasibova, V.I. Stakhiv, A.S. Ivasivka, M.K. Starchevskyy, Y.V. Pavlovskyy, Y.V. Bondaruk, D.A. Dyachok, L.V. Bodnar, S.Y. Voloshanska. EPR study of self-organized magnetic nanoparticles in biomaterials. // Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2022. V. 25, No 2. P. 146-156.
  2. Mammadova Sh., Nasibova A., Khalilov R., Mehraliyeva S., Valiyeva M., Gojayev A., Zhdanov R., Efterkhari A. Nanomaterials application in air pollution remediation. // Eurasian Chemical Communications. V.4, I.2, P.160-166. 2022.
  3. Rovshan Khalilov, Aygun Nasibova. The EPR parameter's investigation of plants        under the influence of radiation factors. Acta Botanica Caucasica. V.1, I.1. P.48-52. 2022.
  4. Aziz Eftekhari, Allahveirdy Arjmand, Ayyub Asheghvatan, Rovshan Khalilov and etc.
  5. Frontiers in Chemistry.The Potential Application of Magnetic Nanoparticles For Liver
  6. Fibrosis Theranostics: Review. V.9, 2021, P.1-15. (IF 3.994)
  7. Sevinj Musayeva, MahbubaValiyeva, Farah Madatli, Sevil Mehraliyeva, Rovshan Khalilov, Aziz Eftekhari, ParvizVahedi. Eurasian Chemical Communications.Prospects for the development of drugs with anti-viral activity based on licorice: Review V.3, I.5, 2021, P.301-309.
  8. Lydia M Haile, KaloyanKamenov, Rovshan Khalilov and etc. The Lancet. Hearing loss Prevalence and years lived with disability 1990-2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019: Review. V.397, I.10278, 2021, P.996-1009.(IF 60.392)
  9. Aygun Nasibova, Rovshan Khalilov, Huseyn Abiyev, Boris Trubitsin, Aziz Eftekhari.Eurasian Chemical Communications. Identification of the EPR signals of fig leaves (Ficus carica L.): Review. V.3, I.3,2021, P.193-199.
  10. Rovshan Khalilov, Mortaza Hosainzadegan, Aziz Eftekhari, Aygun Nasibova, Amir Hasanzadeh, Parviz Vahedi, Hasan Hosain zadegan. Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences.Overview of the environmental distribution, resistance, mortality, and genetic diversity of new coronavirus (COVID-19): Review. V.5, I.1, 2020. P.7-12.
  11. Robert C Reiner Jr, Simon I Hay, Kirsten E Wiens, Aniruddha Deshpande, Mathew M Baumann,Rovshan Khalilov et. al. Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17: analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet..(IF 59.102)2020
  12. Elham Ahmadian, Aziz Eftekhari, Taras Kavetskyy, Ahmad Yari Khosroushahi, Vugar Ali Turksoy, Rovshan Khalilov. Effects of quercetin loaded nanostructured lipid carriers on the paraquat-induced toxicity in human lymphocytes. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2020.(IF 3.282)
  13. Ashworth Dirac, Saeid Safiri, Derrick Tsoi, Rufus Adesoji Adedoyin, Ashkan Afshin, Narjes Akhlaghi,R.Khalilov global, regional, and national burden of gastro- oesophageal reflux disease in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. //The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology (IF- 12.856). 2020.
  14. Christopher Stephen Crowe, Benjamin Ballard Massenburg, Shane Douglas Morrison, James Chang, Rovshan Khalilov Global trends of hand and wrist trauma: a systematic analysis of fracture and digit amputation using the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study.//Injury Prevention. (IF 2.9)2020.
  15. Simin Sharifi, Nazanin Fathi, Mohammad Yousef Memar, Seyed Mahdi Hosseiniyan Khatibi, Rovshan Khalilov, Ramin Negahdari, Sepideh Zununi Vahed, Solmaz Maleki Dizaj. Anti‐microbial activity of curcumin nanoformulations: New trends and future perspectives. //Phytotherapy Research.(IF.3.766),2020.
  16. Simin Sharifi, Sepideh Zununi Vahed, Elham Ahmadian, Solmaz Maleki Dizaj, Aziz Eftekhari, Rovshan Khalilov, Moloud Ahmadi, Ezat Hamidi-Asl, Mahmoud Labib. Detection of pathogenic bacteria via nanomaterials-modified aptasensors. //Biosensors and Bioelectronics. (IF 9.518). V. 150. 2020. P.111933
  17. Aziz Eftekhari, Amir Hasanzadeh, Rovshan Khalilov, Hasan Hosainzadegan, Elham Ahmadian, Mohammad Ali Eghbal. Hepatoprotective role of berberine against paraquat- induced liver toxicity in rat. // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. V.27, I.5, 2020, P.4969-4975. (IF 1.62).
  18. Ratilal Lalloo, Lydia R Lucchesi, Catherine Bisignano, Chris D Castle, Zachary V Dingels, Rovshan Khalilov Epidemiology of facial fractures: incidence, prevalence and years lived with disability estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study. Injury prevention. (IF 2.9). 2020. P.1-9.
  19. Damaris K. Kinyoki, Jennifer M. Ross, Alice Lazzar-Atwood, Sandra B. Munro, Lauren E. Schaeffer, Rovshan Khalilov Mapping local patterns of childhood overweight and wasting in low- and middle-income countries between 2000 and 2017. // Nature Medicine.(IF 30.641). V.26. 2020. P.750-759.
  20. Mortaza Hosainzadegan, Aziz Eftekhari, Rovshan Khalilov, Aygun Nasibova, Amir Hasanzadeh, Parviz Vahedi, Hasan Hosain zadegan. Are Microbial Infections and some antibiotics causes cancer? Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences. V.5, I.1. 2020. P.58-61.
  21. Saeid Safiri, Sadaf G Sepanlou, Kevin S Ikuta, Catherine Bisignano, Hamideh Salimzadeh, Rovshan Khalilov The global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its attributable risk factors in 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. (IF- 12.856).. V. 4, I. 12, 2019, P. 913-933.
  22. Hasan Hosainzadegan, Rovshan Khalilov, Pourya Gholizadeh. The necessity to revise Koch’s postulates and its application to infectious and non-infectious diseases: a mini- review. // European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases.(IF 2.591). P.1-4.
  23. Sepideh ZUNUNI VAHED, Mohammadreza ARDALAN, Rovshan KHALILOV, ElhamAHMADIAN. Betanin prohibits cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity through targeting mitochondria.// Marmara Pharmaceutical Journal. (IF 0,31). V.23, I.6. 2019. P.1131-1139.
  24. Elham Ahmadian, Aziz Eftekhari, Solmaz Maleki Dizaj, Simin Sharifi, Masumeh Mokhtarpour, Aygun N Nasibova, Rovshan Khalilov, Mohammad Samiei. The effect of hyaluronic acid hydrogels on dental pulp stem cells behavior. // International journal of biological macromolecules. (IF 4.784). 2019. V.140, P.245-254.
  25. Eftekhari Aziz, Hasanzadeh Mohammad, Sharifi Simin, Dizaj Solmaz, Maleki, Khalilov Rovshan, Ahmadian Elham. Bioassay of saliva proteins: The best alternative for conventional methods in non-invasive diagnosis of cancer.//International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. (IF 4.784). 2019. V.124, P.1246-1255.
  26. Simin Sharifi, Sepideh Zununi Vahed, Elham Ahmadian, Solmaz Maleki Dizaj, Aziz Eftekhari, Rovshan Khalilov// Detection of pathogenic bacteria via nanomaterials modified aptasensors. J. Biosensors and Bioelectronics.(IF 9.518).V.150. 2019.
  27. E.Ahmadian, S.M. Dizaj, S. Sharifi, S. Shahi, R.Khalilov, A. Eftekhari, M.Hasanzadeh //The potential of nanomaterials in theranostics of oral squamous cell carcinoma: Recent progress. // J. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. (İF-8.428). V.116. 2019. P.167-176.
  28. A.Eftekhari, E. Ahmadian, S. Salatin, S. Sharifi, S. M. Dizaj, R.Khalilov, M.Hasanzadeh.Current analytical approaches in diagnosis of melanoma. //J. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry. (İF-8.428) V.116. 2019.P.122-135.
  29. V.G. Evtugin, A.M. Rogov, V.I. Nuzhdin, V.F. Valeev, T.S. Kavetskyy, R.I.Khalilov, A.L. Stepanov. //New approach to create a counting grid by ion-mask implantation for analysis of small biological objects. J.Vacuum.(İF-1,8). V.165. 2019.P.360-363.
  30. V.G.Evtugin, A.M.Rogov, V.I.Nuzhdin, V.F.Valeev, T.S.Kavetskyy, R.I.Khalilov, A.L..Stepanov. Microstructuring Substrates formed by ion implantation for analysis of small biomaterials.// J. Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences. V.4. 2019. P.62-72.
  31. Hosainzadegan Hasan, Rovshan Khalilov, Pourya Gholizadeh. //The necessity to revise Koch's postulates and its application to infectious and non-infectious diseases: a mini- review. // European Journal of Clinical Micribiology & Infectious Diseases. (IF 2.591).
  32. A.Akbarzadeh, R Khalilov, E Mostafavi, N Annabi, E Abasi, T Kafshdooz, R Herizchi, T Kavetskyy, S Saghfi, A Nasibova, S Davaran. Role of dendrimers in advanced drug delivery and biomedical applications: a review.// Experimental oncology.(IF - 0, 51) V.40, I.3, 2018. P.178-183.
  33. Nahideh Asadi, Nasim Annabi, Ebrahim Mostafavi, Maryam Anzabi, Rovshan Khalilov, Siamak Saghfi, Masoud Mehrizadeh & Abolfazl Akbarzadeh. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro evaluation of magnetic nanoparticles modified with PCL–PEG–PCL for controlled delivery of 5FU. //Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. (İF-4.462). 2018.
  34. Peyman Hassanpour, Yunes Panahi, Abbas Ebrahimi-Kalan, Abolfazl Akbarzadeh, Soodabeh Davaran, Aygun N Nasibova, Rovshan Khalilov, Taras Kavetskyy. Biomedical applications of aluminium oxide nanoparticles. // Micro & Nano Letters.(IF 0,935). V.13, I.9. 2018. P.1227-1231.
  35. Masoud Farshbaf, Roya Salehi, Nasim Annabi, Rovshan Khalilov, Abolfazl Akbarzadeh, Soodabeh Davaran. pH- and thermo-sensitive MTX-loaded magnetic nanocomposites: synthesis, characterization, and in vitro studies on A549 lung cancer cell and MR imaging. //Drug development and industrial pharmacy.(IF 2.367). V.44, I.3, 2018. P.452- 462.
  36. Bakhshayesh, Nasim Annabi, R. Khalilov, A. Akbarzadeh, M.Samiei, E. Alizadeh, M. Alizadeh-Ghodsi, S. Davaran. Recent advances on biomedical applications of scaffolds in wound healing and dermal tissue engineering.//Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology(İF-4.462). 2017.
  37. Panahi, M.Farshbaf, M. Mohammadhosseini, M.Mirahadi, R. Khalilov, A. Akbarzadeh. Recent advances on liposomal nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and biomedical applications. //Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. V.45, I.4. P.788-799. 2017.(İF-4.462)
  38. A.Akbarzadeh, L. Kafshdooz, Z. Razban, A.Tbrizi, S. Rasoulpour, R.Khalilov, T.Kavetskyy, S.Saghfi, A.Nasibova, S.Kaamyabi, T.Kafshdooz. An overview application of silver nanoparticles in inhibition of herpes simplex virus.// Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology. P.1-5. 2017.(İF-4.462).
  39. L.Ahmadkhani, A. Baghban, S.Mohammadpoor, R. Khalilov, A.Akbarzadeh, T. Kavetskyy,S. Saghfi, A.Nasibova. Synthesis and Evaluation of a Triblock Copolymer/ZnO Nanoparticles from Poly (ε-caprolactone) and Poly (Acrylic Acid) as a Potential Drug Delivery Carrier. // Drug Research.(IF 1.76) V.67, I.4, P.228-238. 2017.
  40. Seyed M, Khalilov R, Davaran S, Nasibova A, Abbasi E, Saghfi S, Akbarzadeh A. An update on clinical applications of nanoparticles in brain and retinal disease (CNS). // Advances in Biology and Earth Sciences.V.2, I.2, P.125-142. 2017.
  41. A.N Nasibova, RI Khalilov. Preliminary studies on generating metal nanoparticles in pomegranates (Punica Granatum) under stress.//International Journal of Development Research.(IF 0.8). V.6, I.3, P.7071-7078. 2016.
  42. A.N Nasibova, IY Fridunbayov, NN Nabiyev, RI Khalilov. Influence of UV and GAMMA radiation on paramagnetic properties in fragments of photosystem 2.// International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research. V.7, I.4, P.24-32. 2016.
  43. A Nasibova, R Khalilov, U Qasumov, B Trubitsin, A Tikhonov. EPR signals in plant systems and their informational content for environmental studies. // European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience. V.4, I.2,P.43-47. 2016.
  44. R.I Khalilov, AN Nasibova, IM Aliyeva, UM Gasimov, NM Zeynalova. Biosynthesis and biogeneration of metallic iron oxide nanoparticles in pomegranate.// News of Baku University. V.1, P.84-93. 2016.
  45. Rovshan Khalilov, Aygun Nasibova, Naglaa Youssef. The use of EPR signals of plants as bioindicative parameters in the study of environmental pollution.// International Journal of Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. (IF 2.33). V7, I.9, P. 172-175, 2015
  46. A.N Nasibova, BV Trubitsin, SM Ismayilova, IY Fridunbayov, UM Qasimov, RI Khalilov. Impact of stress factors on the generation of nanoparticles in the biological structures.// ANAS, Reports. V.71, I.2, P.35040. 2015
  47. A.N Nasibova, AN Tikhonov, RI Khalilov, BV Trubitsin, AA Garibov. Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in plants grown in radioactively contaminated areas of the Apsheron peninsula.// Reports. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. V.19, I.2, P.31-39, 2013.
  48. R.I Khalilov, AN Nasibova. Impact of radioactive pollution on endogenous paramagnetic centers in the leaves and seeds of the plant.// News of Baku University. V.3, P.65-71. 2013.
  49. N.A Youssef, EM Gurbanov, SR Haciyeva, AO Mammedova, RI Khalilov. Antioxidant enzymes, fluctuating asymmetry and morphological changes of urban trees as an ecological indicator of heavy metal stress.// International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care. V.1, P.1-18, 2013. (IF 3.11)
  50. A.N Nasibova, AI Akhundzade, NZ Asadova, RI Khalilov. The cytogenetic effects and accumulation of magnetite nanoparticles in seeds and leaves of plants in the conditions of radioactive contamination//Journal of Qafqaz University. V.34, P.41-45. 2012.
  51. R.I Khalilov, AN Nasibova, VA Serezhenkov, MA Ramazanov, MK Kerimov, AA Garibov, AF Vanin. Accumulation of magnetic nanoparticles in plants grown on soils of Apsheron peninsula.// J.Biophysics (Moscow)..(IF 0.75). V.56, I.2, P.316-322.2011
  52. R.I Khalilov, AN Nasibova. Endogenous EPR-detected ferriferous nanoparticles in vegetative objects.// News of Baku University. V.3, p.35-40. 2010.
  53. A.N Nasibova, IS Achmedov, RI Khalilov. The effect of UV-B radiation on the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts of higher plants. // Proceedings of the University of Rousse, Bulgaria.2009.P.171-177.
  54. A.A Garibov, SR Khudaverdiyeva, AN Samedov, RJ Qasumov, Sh A Mirzoyev, AN Nasibova, RI Khalilov. Radioecological studies of the natural environment of the North-western part of the Absheron peninsula. // Reports of ANAS. I.1-2, 2008. P.152-158.
  55. A.N Nasibova, AN Samedov, RI Khalilov. Functional changes in photosystem 2 under the influence of UV-B radiation. // Reports of ANAS. I.5-6. 2007. P.129-135.
  56. R.I Khalilov, GB Khomutov, AN Tikhonov. Effect of ultraviolet radiation on structural- functional characteristics of the thylakoid membrane. Russian Plant Physiology. (0,924). V.40, I.3, P.338-342.1993.


  • İ.Əhmədov, Ə.Məmmədov, Xəlilov. Tibbi və bioloji fizika. Dərslik. Bakı-2006.
  • Mustafayeva, V.Məmmədov, İ.Əhmədov, R.Xəlilov. Genetik Modifikasiya olunmuş qida məhsulları. 156 s. Bakı-2013.
  • Насибова А.Н.,Халилов Р.И.Парамагнитные центры в фотосинтезирующих биологических системах. LAMBERT Academic 175 c., 2015.
  • Biofizika. Dərslik, , “BDU nəşriyyatı”, 325 Bakı – 2017


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Tel.: (+99412) 5391091 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı - 2022
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