Seçiilmiş elmi əsərləri

  1. Evaluation of polymorphism among cultivated and wild grapevine accessions. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 2010, vol. 46, №2, p. 75-84.
  2. Comparison of genetic diversity between cultivated and wild grape varieties originating from the near-Caspian zone of Azerbaijan. Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin, 2010, vol. 44, №4, p. 191-200.
  3. Inheritance pattern of important quantitative traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). World Apply Science Journal, 2010, vol. 11, №6, p. 711-717.
  4. Genetic characteristics of grain yield and its components in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under normal and drought conditions. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci, 2010, vol. 9, №5, 2010, p. 519-528.
  5. Genetic gain through selection indices in hulless barley. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2011, vol. 13, №2, p. 191-197.
  6. Genetic Analysis of (1→3), (1→4)-β-D-glucans in Barley, Azhul × Falcon Cross. World Applied Sciences Journal, 2011, vol. №8, p. 1146-1153.
  7. Genetic structure and geographical differentiation in barley landraces based on storage proteins. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 2012, vol. 4, №14, p. 960-970.
  8. Evaluation of genetic variability in naked barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 2012, vol. 4, №16, p.1166-1179.
  9. Advanced-backcross QTL analysis in hulless barley: I. Detection of exotic alleles for yield and yield components introgressed from Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum. International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 2013, vol. 5, №2, p. 95-100.
  10. Application of RAPD and ISSR markers to analyses molecular relationships in Azerbaijan wheat accessions (Triticum aestivum L.). Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural, 2014, vol. 20, № 1, p. 97-105.
  11. Comparison of ampelographic and molecular diversity of Azerbaijan cultivated and wild grape varieties. Reports of ANAS, Baku, “Science”, 2015, vol. LXXI, №3, p. 63-68.
  12. Molecular diversity and genetic structure of durum wheat landraces.  Albanian Journal of Agricaltural Sciences, 2015, vol. 14, №2, p. 112-120.
  13. Assessment of genetic diversity in durum wheat using microsatellite markers. Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, 2015, vol. 65, №7, p. 58-68.
  14. Генетическое разнообразие вида Vitis vinifera L. в Азербайджане (Genetic diversity of Vitis vinifera L. in Azerbaijan). Генетика, 2016, том. 52, №4, с. 445-452; (Russian Journal of Genetics, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 4, pp. 391–397. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2016).
  15. Assessment of synthetic wheat lines for soil salinity tolerance. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture Journal, 2020, vol. 107, № 1, p. 55-62.
  16. Assessment of Azerbaijan Durum Wheat Genotypes Under Drought and Non-Stress Conditions. Alınteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 2020, 35 (2): xx-xx DOI: 10.28955/alinterizbd.752530
  17. Molecular markers efficiency for assessment of genetic structure in barley accessions. Cytology and Genetics, 2022, № 56, p. 548-558,



  1. Genetika suallar və cavablarda (250 sual və cavab). Dərs vəsaiti. Bakı, «Elm və təhsil” nəşriyyatı, 2019. 384 s. (24 ç.v.)
  2. Генетика в вопросах и ответах (250 вопросов и ответов). Учебное пособие. Баку, Издательство «Elm və təhsil», 2019, 352 c. (22 ç.v.)



Ekoloji genetika


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Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, əsas bina, 2-ci mərtəbə, otaq 283a, Bakı şəhəri, akademik Zahid Xəlilov küçəsi, 33, AZ 1148
Tel.: (+99412) 5391091 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı - 2022
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