1. .Ganbarov Kh.G.,Agayeva N.A., Valiyeva F.T., Shafiyeva S.M.// Antibiotic sensitivity of some phytopathogen bacteria of genus Pseudomonas isolated from fruit trees of Azerbaijan// İnter.journ. Research studies in Biosciences, , V6, №1/ p.6-9 2018. https://www.arcjournals.org/international-journal-of-research-studies-in-bio-sciences/volume-6-issue-1/2
  2. Duruskari G.Sh., Maharramov M.N., Hasanova U.Sh, Ganbarov Kh.G., Eyvazova G.M., Israyilova A.A., Maharramov A.M.// Synthesis and antimicrobial properties of new derivatives of morpholine and piperidine based on 1-Chloro-3-methoxy-propylbenzene// Asian journal of Chemistry, V30, №2, (Impact factor- 0,29) p.269-272 , 2018. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322192941_Synthesis_and_Antimicrobial_Properties_of_New_Derivatives_of_Morpholine_and_Piperidine_Based_on_1-Chloro-3-methoxy-propylbenzene
  3. Ganbarov Kh., Jafarov M., Bozkurt Kh., Huseynova S., Israyilova A., Suleymanova G., Agamaliyev Z., Eyvazova G.// Comparative study the production of silver nanoparticles with the Cultural supernatant and biomass of yeast Candida guillermondi BDU-217// Proceeding book of Intern. Eurasian Conference on biological and chemical sciences, Ankara/Turkey, p.94-99, 2018. https://aak.gov.az/upload/dissertasion/biologiya_elml_ri/REFERAT_azeri_mohurlu_montaj+1.pdf
  4. Ganbarov Kh.G., Shafiyeva S.M., Agayeva N.A., Delegan Y.A., Petrikov K.V., Agamaliyev Z.A., Eyvazova G.M. Formation of silver nanoparticles using biomass of bacterium Actinomyces spp. NSX-333 // German Science Herald, №6, 2018 ,p.23-25. https://dwherold.de/onewebmedia/2017/6-2017/24-26.pdf
  5. Ганбаров Х.Г., Сафарова А.Х., Шафиева С.М.// // Протеолитическая активностъ грибов рода Aspergillus, выделенных из почв АзербайджанаИзвестия Уфимского научного Центра РАН, №3(1) 80-84 2018,http://jomardpublishing.com/UploadFiles/Files/journals/ABES/V5N2/SafarovaA.pdf
  6. Delegan Y.A., Valentovich L.N., Shafiyeva S.M., Ganbarov Kh.G., Filonov A.E., Vainstein M.B. //Characterization and genomic analysis of highly efficient thermotolerant oil-degrading bacterium Gordania sp. 1D // Folia Microbioogica, , V.63, №6, (https:// doi. org/ 10.  1007/s  12223- 018- 0623-2), (Impact factor – 1, 311)  1-8, 2018
  7. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12223-018-0623-2
  8. Beomidehagh M., Rezaee M., Ganbarov Kh.G., Jafari F., Hasani A., Alizadeh N., Tanmand A., Kafil H. Effect of acidic and alkali shocks on expression of efa4 gene in Enterococcus faecalis, isolated from root canal infection // Cellular and molecular biology, Vol 64, issue 13. (Impact factor – 1, 372), 1-5, 2018. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30403587/
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