1. Maharramov A.M., Israyilova A.A., Ganbarov Kh.G.// Antimicrobial activity of carbamide derivatives against gram-positive and gram –negative bacteria// Микробные биотехнологии: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты, Т986-92 2017 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7344598/
  2. Kh.G.Ganbarov, E.M.Musayev, G.I.Eyvazova, S.M.Shafiyeva //Influence of actual acidity (ph) and temperature on the formation of silver nanoparticles by Aspergillus niger BDU-A4// Advances in Biology & Earth Sciences, Vol.2, No.3, 2017.284-289. 2017 http://jomardpublishing.com/UploadFiles/Files/journals/ABES/V2N3/4Ganbarov%20Kh.pdf
  3. Гaнбaрoв Х.Г., Сулейманова Г.Ч.,Абдулгамидова С.М., Бабаева И.Т. //Методы хранения бактерий в коллекции культур Бакинского Государственного Университета// Микробные биотехнологии: фундаментальные и прикладные аспекты. Минск 31-35. 2017 http://catalog.belal.by/cgibin/irbis64r_01/cgiirbis_64.exe?I21DBN=BELAL&P21DBN=BELAL&C21COM=S&S21P03=i=&S21STR=%D0%96%20963/2017/9
  4. G.Karimov V.M., Ganbarov Kh. Babayeva İ.T., //Systematic Analysis of Tinder Fungi Spreading in the Northern Region of Azerbaijan //International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology  V.6,N1.26-29. 2017 http://www.ijirset.com/upload/2017/january/doc.html
  5. Gasanova S.A., Guliyeva S.M., Suleymanova G.Ç.. Babayeva R.F., Kh.G.Ganbarov //The study of morphological and cultural properties of actinomycetes forming silver nanoparticles//Advances in Biology and Earth Sciences,V.2, N2168-174,2017 http://jomardpublishing.com/UploadFiles/Files/journals/ABES/V2N2/GanbarovK.pdf
  6. Masoumikia R.Y., Ganbarov Kh.G., Abdullayeva N.A., Youshari N. //Screening, isolation and identification lactic acid bacteria with probiotic potential from Traditional dairy products of Azerbaijan// German Science Herald, , N3 30-34. 2017 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325216810_Screening_isolation_and_identification_lactic_acid_bacteria_with_probiotic_potential_from_traditional_dairy_products_of_Azerbaijan
  7. Ganbarov Kh. G., Jafarov M.M., Ramazanov M.A., Agamaliyev Z.A., Eyvazova G.M. //Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Saccharomyces sp. strain BDU – XR1// Deuischer Wissenschaiisherold. German Sclence Berald, №17 – 9. 2017 https://dwherold.de/onewebmedia/2017/1-2017/Ganbarov9.pdf
  8. Qənbərov X.Q., Cəfərov M.M., Quliyeva S.M. //Temperaturun və ilkin mühit turşuluğunun Saccharomyces ellipsoideus növlü stamların inkişafına təsiri// Bakı Universitetinin Xəbərləri, Təbiət elmləri seriyası, № 2. 39-43.2017 http://static.bsu.az/w1/PDFtebiet2016/tebiet%20elmleri%202016%20pdf%202.pdf
  9. Israyilova A., Mukhtarova S., Asgerova U., Shikhaliyev N., Ganbarov Kh., Maharramov A. //Antibacterial screening of the synthesized (Z) -3- (2-phenylhydrazono) benzofuran-2 (3H) against gram positive and gram negative bacteria// International Journal of innovative research in science, Engineering and Technology,V 6, N11,  10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0611025 . (NCBI) http://jomardpublishing.com/UploadFiles/Files/journals/NMCA/V4N2/KhrustalyoV%20et%20al.pdf
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Tel.: (+99412) 5391091 [email protected] Bütün hüquqlar qorunur. Bakı - 2022
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